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Book of Job


Jun 28, 2010 — The Book of Job is one of the first documents in history to concentrate solely on how a just G-d can allow the suffering of innocents. Some .... Jun 9, 2016 — Job is one of the oddest books in the Bible — odd in a scary way, in an unsettling way, in a faith-shaking way. Job is a rich man who is a devout .... ... in areas like cataloging, special digital projects, and book conservation. ... Job openings for the Smithsonian, and information on how to apply for those jobs, .... This book is poetic and magnificently beautiful in its language. Alfred Lord Tennyson, a renowned poet, called it "the greatest poem whether of ancient or modem .... Jan 21, 2019 — Librarian/Library Staff. I am absolutely not suggesting that you go into an interview and respond to the question, “So, why do you want this job?. Jul 1, 2017 — These books (especially Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes) are also called “​wisdom literature.” Job most likely lived during the Patriarchal period, .... Jun 24, 2018 — The Book of Job, in my view, is widely misunderstood – it is the classic book of the Hebrew Bible that seemingly is orthodox (correct belief) and .... Benton County Logo. Elected Officials · Budget Documents · Benton County Code · Job Openings · Home · Government · Information About · Contact Us · Links.. The Book of Job book. Read 249 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The theme of The Book of Job is nothing less than human suffering .... Dec 6, 2020 — The Book of Job is an ancient Hebrew poem that timelessly explores how humans behave when faced with disaster, pestilence and injustice.. Read Book Persuasion Skills Black Book Of Job Hunting Techniques Using Nlp And Hypnotic Language Patterns. To Get The Job You Deserve. Persuasion .... On the other hand, the Book of Job has been a book of great comfort* for God's people. Job is said to be a righteous man, and this attracts the attention of Satan.. Overview of the Book of Job. Author: The author is unknown. Purpose: To explore the limits and proper uses of traditional proverbial wisdom in the case of a .... May 7, 2020 — Periodically, I read the book of Job in an uninterrupted, two–hour sitting. It remains one of my favorite Bible stories. During my most recent delving, .... Studio Job: The Book of Job. Author Job Smeets and Nynke Tynagel, Text by Viktor & Rolf and Alessandro Mendini and Murray Moss. Playing off of what some​ .... Dec 19, 2014 — 2,000 years later, The Secret Book of Job is finally revealed. GLYNN WASHINGTON, HOST: You're listening to SNAP. I knew I wasn't supposed .... Citing Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, Kushner points out that there is almost no theology in the Tanakh except in the book of Job, which probes universal .... of the Book of Job. Gregory W. Parsons. Literary Genre. The consensus that Job is a literary work of the highest. magnitude does not make the task of classifying .... Nov 16, 2019 — The Book of Job is so challenging that I spent a week reading translations, both ancient and modern, commentary after commentary, as well as .... Who are the sons of God in the book of Job? ... Almost every reference in the Bible to “sons of God” refers to men who live in harmony with the will of God. However, .... by B Doak · 2021 — The book of Job is the longest and most thematically and linguistically challenging of the “wisdom books” in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament.. The BOOK OF JOB [Stephen Mitchell] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The BOOK OF JOB.. Book Discussion: The Five Wounds - Hosted by the Bay Village Branch. Fri, Jul 09, 10:00am - 11:00am. Bay Village Branch Zoom 1. Registration is now closed .... by L Batnitzky — The Book of Job has held a central role in defining the project of modernity from the age of Enlightenment until today.The Book of Job: Aesthetics, Ethics and .... by I Kutz · 2000 · Cited by 14 — Viewed by a modern clinician, the book of Job unfolds as possibly the earliest description of patients and their healers struggling to cope with loss and illness.. May 1, 2018 — This means that the book presupposes God's basic concern for justice. God offers Job verbal debate and in no way threatens him. God's rhetoric .... Mar 9, 2021 — The whole book of Job tells a story that ends up telling us that God is our source of wisdom. The book of Job is trying to communicate with us that .... The Book of Job is a book of the Hebrew Bible. It addresses the problem of theodicy, meaning why God permits evil in the world, through the experiences of the .... The Book of Job is the third book of Ketuvim (Writings). Addressing the theme of God's justice in the face of human suffering – or more simply, "Why do the .... Oct 16, 2018 — The genre of this book is epic poetry. As is customary with epic poems, it begins with a prologue that sets up the story line (chs 1-2). In Job, this .... Jun 2, 2011 — Tree of Life, Book of Job. Facebook Tweet. “There are two ways through life: the way of nature, and the way of grace. You have to choose which .... VINTAGE CHILDREN'S BOOKS - JOB LOT OF 16ITEMS. WILL POST WITH HERMES AS WEIGHT IS OVER 5KG. Please assume that all the books have .... Sep 30, 2020 — "Do you really want to read the entire book of Job?" my pastor asked me, horrified​. I'd asked him to help me read this ancient Biblical book, .... Aug 20, 2017 — Ultimately, the Book of Job and the Old Testament wisdom books simply call one to submit to the Lord humbly. Job is not finally given an answer .... by MW Bartusch · 2019 — The redactor responsible for the final form of the book of Job, who added the framing didactic narrative to an older poetic dialogue, sought to accomplish precisely .... The Book of Job is a book of the Hebrew Bible. It addresses the problem of theodicy, meaning why God permits evil in the world, through the experiences of the .... The book of Job is one of the wisdom books of the Bible….and for good reason. Here is my summary of the book of Job. Main Idea. Human beings are .... Aug 4, 2013 — This is the central conflict of the book. It's Job's test: will he abandon his faith or remain loyal to God? Here's how the story plays out: An adversary .... The Story of the Bible - Part One - The Old Testament. Historical Background and Summary of The Books of Job in Easy to Study Bible Survey Format.. The Book of Job has brought consolation during painful times of my life, and it can help you to accompany loved ones in their tribulations.. Summary and Analysis Job. Summary. The Book of Job is often referred to as one of the great classics of world literature. Its subject matter .... Job was one of the few books of the Bible on which Calvin did not write a commentary. He did, however, preach 159 sermons on Job, delivered every day over a .... Jul 6, 2020 — Job is one of the Old Testament books in the Bible. It utilizes a combination of poetry and prose to explore themes of individual suffering and .... A description of tropes appearing in Book of Job. The 18th book in the Christian Bible's established order, and appearing in the ketuvim (writings) section …. Lessons We Need to Learn From Job. Whenever I read the book of Job, I am personally challenged and encouraged. I have had some seriously rough times and .... Feb 8, 2017 — (RNS) I'm totally grateful for the support some friends are giving me. But does God care about such prayers? “Job Rebuked by His Friends,” an .... Compare Tasker reviews, ratings, and prices; Choose and connect with the best person for the job; Save your favorites to book again and again .... | Course: Understanding the Old Testament Lecture: Job ... Lecture 12: Ezekiel · Lecture 13: The Book of the Twelve (Part 1) · Lecture 14: .... Sep 11, 2019 — Job is an excellent, and terrifying, book, and through it we can learn much—if we have the fortitude to patiently endure its deeper lessons.. Nov 15, 2011 — Of all the books in the Bible, Job is the most unique. Its poetry surpasses any other poetry in the Bible, even David's masterful lyricism in the .... Nov 5, 1992 — Stockdale certainly knows about undeserved hardship, but William Safire must have winced when he read that encapsulation of Job. Mr. Safire .... Dec 16, 2013 — The Book of Job, in the Old Testament, opens with words both majestic and once-​upon-a-time-ish: “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose .... Lifeguard publishes book about the job ... The result was a self-published book entitled, “Stories from Sea Level – The heroic and humorous adventures of .... The title of this book is a question asked by Job in chapter 14: 14, a book in the Bible by . PDF Book Daniel (Understanding the Bible Commentary Series) .... THE BOOK OF JOB The Book of Job, named after its protagonist (apparently not an Israelite; cf. Ez 14:14, 20), is an exquisite dramatic treatment of the problem .... Job by Carol Newsom ... The book of Job is one of the best-known but also one of the most perplexing books of the Bible. It begins with a simple “once upon a time”​ .... Dec 10, 2017 — “I am presently writing a book about Blake's Job engravings and exploring how his visual narrative relates to our own spiritual journeys. As a Soto .... Author: The Book of Job does not specifically name its author. The most likely candidates are Job, Elihu, Moses, and Solomon. Date of Writing: The date of the​ .... But what does God's speech resolve? What do you think the book of Job is trying to say about this fundamental problem in Judaism and Christianity? What is the .... One interesting scientific consistency seems to exist in the ancient book of Job. ... Rather than bind the Pleiades, God challenged Job to loosen Orion. It's as if He .... Apr 30, 2020 — I think that's an important part of the book of Job. My name is John Walton. I'm a professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College.. Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job. With Descriptive Letterpress, and A Sketch of the Artist's Life and Works. By Charles Eliot Norton (Boston: James R.. The Book of Job ... The book of Job is perhaps the best known book of the Bible and yet the one most frequently misunderstood. The Hebrew text contains some of .... by H Mckeating · 1971 · Cited by 13 — the book of Job about ? ' will hesitate long over the answer. ' It is about the problem of suffering.' This is indeed the orthodox answer. S. R. 1)river, in The Book of .... Ancient Jewish tradition credits the authorship of the book of Job to Moses. The Babylonian Talmud claims, “Moses wrote his own book, and the .... Apr 2, 2020 — The Book of Job is considered to be one of the three books of wisdom literature found within the Bible. It is broken into three main parts: The .... Jul 10, 2020 — Exploring the biblical and ancient Near Eastern historical evidence shows how the book of Job records actual events.. This book begins with a scene in heaven that explains everything to the reader (1​:6–2:10). Job was suffering because God was contesting with Satan. Job never .... The Book of Job (איוב) is one of the books of the Hebrew Bible, describing the trials of a righteous man whom God has caused to suffer. The bulk of the .... The Book of Job: a unique exploration of wisdom, inviting humanity to trust in God's character amidst woeful, bewildering suffering. Design Aspects: This book is .... Job Bible study outline—contents by chapter and verse. Integrity, loss of wealth, children, health; 'curse God and die;' companions Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar, .... The Book of Job is considered a literary masterpiece. It belongs to the genre of "​wisdom literature," or "speculative wisdom" as it questions commonly held .... Oct 2, 2018 — The name of the book of Job in the Bible comes from its central character. Most of us know this. But who wrote the book of Job? Job? Moses?. Jan 27, 2014 — Davis Hankins on C.L. Seow's Job 1-21: Interpretation and Commentary. ... An irony pervades the practice of writing the critical biblical .... Feb 25, 2016 — In this very enlightening study through the book of Job, there are 10 lessons we see that are vitally important to every Christian.. Oct 22, 2018 — Job. Even if we have not read the Book of Job, we know that name. Job: the very name evokes suffering in us. The mere name seems to mean .... by L Batnitzky — The Book of Job. Aesthetics, Ethics, Hermeneutics. Edited by: Leora Batnitzky and Ilana Pardes.. Jul 12, 2020 — How much do you know about the book of Job? In this episode, Pete is sharing some historical background that has informed his view of Job.. The Book of Job, book of Hebrew scripture that is often counted among the masterpieces of world literature. It is found in the third section of the biblical canon .... "THE BOOK OF JOB" Introduction The Book of Job has long been praised as a masterpiece of literature. Consider these quotes: "Tomorrow, if all literature was to .... Feb 18, 2014 — Wednesday, we're joined by religion scholar Mark Larrimore, who's written what he calls a biography of The Book of Job. In it, he traces the .... [9] Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought? ... [​23] Oh that my words were now written! oh that they were printed in a book!. The book of Job questions suffering and God's justice. God's response is surprising, pointing to his control over chaos and ultimate goodness.. The message of the book of Job is that our suffering is not always due to sin. Even godly Christians can suffer when they have not committed any sin.. The Book of Job consists of a prose prologue and epilogue narrative framing poetic dialogues and monologues. It is common to view the narrative frame as the .... An Analysis of The Book of Job Essay written by: The book of Job is found in the Old Testament and is an epic poem written by many anonymous authors about .... There's No Such Thing as an Easy Job book jacket. A revelation that plays out through Tsumura's sharp prose and biting observations on late capitalism .... The book of Job gives an account of a righteous man who faithfully responded to difficult trials. Job's experience invites us to ponder difficult questions about the .... The Book of Job is quite possibly the strangest book in the Hebrew Bible, and is notoriously difficult to date. · In essence, Job is an essay on the problem of evil.. Survey of Job. Book Type: Book of Wisdom; the eighteenth book of the Old Testament; the eighteenth book of the Bible. Author: The author is technically .... Why do bad things happen to the good Job? The book of Job sets out to answer a difficult question. If God blesses righteous people (as the book assumes), then​ .... Aug 15, 2020 — If Job was guilty, and Job did commit sin worthy of his suffering, then the premise of the whole book would fall apart into shambles. After all, the .... For Job Seekers. expand nav ... expand nav. Find a Job menu item with sub-​menu ... Braille, Radio, Talking Book, News menu item with sub-menu. expand nav.. For there is no one on earth like him, a man who is blameless and upright, who fears God and shuns evil.” 9Satan answered the LORD, “Does Job fear God for .... Reading the Book of Job can be confusing. But the book provides insights into how courage and honesty with God can transform us.. It's claimed that apart from the book of Psalms, more literature has been written about Job than any other Bible text. Job is one of Scripture's wisdom books, which, .... Oct 29, 2020 — As Diane Glancy studied the book of Job while creating this collection of original poems and poetic prose, she realized that the biblical text was .... The Book of Job is a poetic narrative in the Old Testament describing the sufferings of Job as he loses his wealth, his family, and his health as a result of a test of .... Book vetted staff when you need them, and make your workforce as dynamic as your demand. Workers get hired as employees of Adia and book jobs in real time. ... Get the job done. Timesheets and payroll are managed straight through Adia.. The book of Job explores the relationship between prosperity, adversity and faith in God. Do we have faith that God is the source of all good things? Then what .... This book is so called from Job, whose prosperity, afflictions, and restoration, are here recorded. He lived soon after Abraham, or perhaps before that patriarch.. How do you trust God even when life isn't fair and you suffer for no good reason? Job's story invites us to .... The Book of Job is rightly understood to be a masterpiece of Hebrew poetry and Western literature. As the first poetic book of the English Bible, Job introduces the​ .... Hymn to Marduk in Babylonian Cuneiform, 1st Millennium BCE. (Wikimedia Commons) There are several potential Near Eastern precursors for the Book of Job.. The Book of Job: When Bad Things Happened to a Good Person (Jewish Encounters Series) Hardcover – October 2, 2012 · Kindle $14.99 Read with Our Free App .... Jun 2, 2008 — John Piper talks about how to discern between good and bad theology in the book of Job.. Book of Job. A great diversity of opinion exists as to the authorship of this book. From internal evidence, such as the similarity of sentiment and language to those​ .... Jan 27, 2017 — Job is the first of the books found in the poetry and wisdom section of the Old Testament, along with Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Proverbs, and the Song .... At its beginning, Job seems to be a book about human suffering. By its conclusion, the true subject of the book emerges: God's sovereignty.. Apr 29, 2019 — Western philosophy begins, not with Plato, but elsewhere, and earlier, with the Book of Job. That is because the problem of evil is the central .... The Book of Job is, in a sense, the first biblical drama—a play in which a number of characters observe and debate the character and fate of Job, an apparently .... The book of Job is part of the Old Testament collection of Wisdom Literature, along with Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. Like the other Wisdom​ .... The book of Job challenges the simple equation of suffering with punishment, by telling the story of one righteous man's confrontation with overwhelming .... Your Donations Make a Difference. Quality donations are what makes it possible for local Goodwills to provide skills training, career services and job placements .... Scholars Talk Writing: A Big Book From a Little Press. By Rachel Toor. How West Virginia University Press landed an award-winning story collection and what its .... Best Books on Job · Now My Eyes Have Seen You: Images of Creation and Evil in the Book of Job · Reading Job Intertextually · Finding Favour in the Sight of God: A .... Jun 16, 2021 — Stephen King Surprised Mom with Carrie Book Advance So She Could Quit Job as She Fought Cancer. The horror author's mother, Nellie Ruth .... The Book of Job pulses with moral energy, outrage, and spiritual insight; it is nothing less than human suffering and the transcendence of it.. What is the book of Job about? It has several important themes, and therefore its author must have had several major purposes in mind. It is the manner in which .... In this series, Dr. Derek W.H. Thomas walks us through the book of Job and considers what the Bible says about our darkest moments. He addresses the difficult .... Prologue - In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil. He had seven.. May 30, 2019 — The book of Job is not one we turn to lightly. It's a somber, haunting reminder that life as we know it can turn upside down. It's the go-to place for .... Here are 16 Lessons from the Book of Job. Overcoming Adversity. 1 # Short Commentary and Lesson from Job 1.20-22. Job's life was in ruins, His financial .... Feb 27, 2019 — The book of Job confronts the problem of human suffering yet does not supply an answer. Learn what God expects from us during suffering.. Jun 18, 2019 — Take a page from the Book of Job and keep crying out to the Lord. He will not desert you!. 6 days ago — 326 – Joe Bergamini: The Working Drummer's Chart Book, “Knowing the Job,” Remembering His Friend Neil Peart · How to demonstrate that you “ .... Sidlow Baxter "thinks that Job might be 'the oldest book in the world,'"3 but also states, "Few modern scholars, however, would date the book as early as Moses" (​ .... Sep 15, 2019 — And Then Job Said Unto the Lord: You Can't Be Serious. In a new translation of the Book of Job, the famously repentant hero gives God a piece .... 34 minutes ago — My book is fantasy, and I'm going for a sky aesthetic. I want bright colors and good details. $100. Fixed-price.. 'An extraordinary and invaluable version of this great biblical treasure.'—David R. Slavitt, Philadelphia Inquirer, The Book of Job, Raymond P Scheindlin, .... JOB CORPS. CAREERS BEGIN ... and job training program for young adults ages 16–24. We connect you ... Young woman sitting on the grass reading a book .... A leaf from a Mass Book, in Latin, manuscript on vellum [Southern or Western ... Job, historiated initial 'U' on a leaf from a glossed Book of Job, decorated .... The Blue Book Building & Construction Network. Looking for (Companies or Trades) : Search by Company Name or Keyword. Servicing (City or Zipcode): .... Read the book of Job from the Bible with full chapters, summary and outline, Bible commentary, and our favorite verses to help you study and understand .... HR Contacts; Job Opportunities; Verification of Employment; Personnel Rules Book. HR Contacts. Division of Human Resources 12 E. Church St. Frederick, MD .... Jun 18, 2021 — Identifying Behemoth and Leviathan in the Book of Job ... In Job 40-41, God introduces Job to two new characters. Behemoth is a powerful beast .... Read the Book of Job online. Scripture chapters verses with full summary, commentary meaning, and concordances for Bible study.. Aug 6, 2019 — Job at least reminds us that we do not know everything, that God is not ... Indeed, when God finally does speak to Job at the end of the book, .... 11 hours ago — Is the Book of Job about suffering? Cale shares a powerful story of parents who forgave a young man who killed their three children. Plus, Cale .... 1 day ago — The job openings are plenty, but the laborers are few. ... The first book of the Bible teaches Adam and Eve were given work to do in the garden .... William Blake(1757-1827), Job and His Family, ca. ... These watercolors constitute Blake's first set of illustrations for the Book of Job, which the artist produced .... Sep 9, 2016 — Orthodox thinkers have not often found the answers to suffering in the Book of Job particularly comforting---an early scribe likely going so far as .... I present you the official music video for "Book of Job". :) Get "My Fairy Tales" here: ▻ .... Dec 6, 2020 — Bill Murray is part of a group of acclaimed actors who on Sunday will stage an online reading of the Book of Job aimed at Knox County .... Mar 10, 2014 — The historical claim is far-fetched, but Kallen's sense that the Book of Job may work as drama is right on the mark. Robert Lowth, the founder of .... News. Publishers Lunch · Report News · Discuss · Job Board · Classifieds · Rights Offerings. Deals. Report a Deal. Books. Buzz Books. Help. Help · Featured​ .... Find the perfect book of job bible stock photo. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. No need to register, .... How does the book of Job help disciples of Jesus Christ remain faithful to God as they suffer—or walk alongside others who suffer—in ways that are extreme and .... Jun 11, 2021 — Doubling down on her dangerous claim that all white people are intractably, hopelessly racist, the P.T. Barnum of American race relations is .... The Book of Job: Directed by Andrew Oh. With Benjamin Singel, Robb Hudspeth, Eileen Alger, Ricco Fajardo. The Book of Job is about a high school student .... The Book of Iyov (Job): Full Text · 1:16 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from · 1:20 Then Job arose, and rent .... In this series, Dr. Derek W.H. Thomas walks us through the book of Job and considers what the Bible says about our darkest moments. He addresses the difficult .... Job begins another section -- the poetical books of the Bible -- which also includes Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, and the little book of​ .... The Book of Job (Holy Bible) ... 1:9 Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, Doth Job fear God for nought? 1:10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and​ .... The book of Job is 400 lines shorter in the Septuagint than the Masoretic because of the translation process that sought to simplify the Oriental poetic style text .... Oct 27, 2020 — His reading of the Book of Job—the unusual story of a man from whom God takes everything, who confronts his Creator defiantly, and then .... You are in good company as some/many readers do find it hard to understand the conversations within the book. Most of us understand Job 1–2 and the 42 .... Apr 12, 2007 — Chapter 32 through Chapter 35As soon as the three friends finally stop badgering Job, a whippersnapper named Elihu arrives to replace them.. 6 days ago — The book is about a man named Job, who contends with his God as well as with his companions. Nevertheless, he is a paragon of virtue, whose .... Marketplace for top talent, on demand. Over 13000 Top Tier Models, Actors, Influencers, Photographers & more. Sign Up Now & Post A Job For Free, let talent​ .... 4 days ago — ... with $2.8M round by NFX, to let low-skilled job candidates book their ... and then allows them to directly book interviews with the employers, .... May 16, 2017 — The passage is of course from the Book of Job - Job 23:8 and it describes how Matt (at the time) sees himself, and his relationship to God.. Job is a wealthy man living in a land called Uz with his large family and ... God boasts to Satan about Job's goodness, but Satan argues that Job is only good ... Pick 10 Books and We'll Guess Whether You're an Introvert or an Extrovert.. Oct 10, 2013 — The Book of Job, and the trials of Job. Hard and endless. We'll ask what the hard old bible story has to say now.. A major difficulty in understanding the meaning of the book is, what insight leads Job to submit so humbly to God at the end. (It should be kept in mind that Job is .... One of the Bible's greatest wisdom books is the book of Job. This Lent we ... Martin Luther asserted that “Job is magnificent and sublime as no book of Scripture.. The Book of Job raises stark questions about the nature and meaning of innocent suffering and the relationship of the human to the divine, yet it is also one of .... Oct 3, 2016 — In a new book, Competing Against Luck, Christensen tackles the opposite challenge: how companies succeed. First lesson, discover what job .... Uniform Jewish tradition ascribed the book of Job to Moses and also accepted it as part of the true canon of Scripture. This ascription seems quite reasonable if .... The Bible's book of Job, with its themes of suffering, divine justice, and the influence of evil, has long been referred to as a study guide for the human condition.. Apr 7, 2021 — The Book of Job is a book many people turn to in times of suffering. It is a great lesson from God about trusting Him, even when we don't .... Explore colleges & connect directly with admissions while never missing a deadline STAY ON TRACK. Kick off your career Internships can help you get a job.. Jun 14, 2004 — AUTHOR: Possibly Job, Elihu, or a contemporary of Job. A. The author of the book is unknown. 1. The text does not identify its author. 2.. The Book of Job is the eighteenth book of the Old Testament and hence it is also the eighteenth book of Bible, despite being the first book of the Bible written .... Publishers Weekly is the international news website of book publishing and bookselling including business news, reviews, bestseller lists, commentaries and​ .... Technical Skill of the Author and the Metre; XI. Time of its Composition. Position of the book in the canon. In the Hebrew Bible Psalms, Proverbs, and Job are ... 3a5286bf2b 58



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